Stachanov Solutions

Basel 2 Advanced Measurement Approaches (AMA) operational risk: A simple Excel Monte Carlo Model

A brief explanation of stress testing in banking under Basel rules with an Excel example

Simple bank capital exercise in Excel to estimate bank capital needed using a normal distribution

Risk Weighted Assets RWA under Basel 2: clear explanation with an Excel exercise and exemple

Risk Adjusted Return on Capital (RAROC): risk-based performance management in banking under Basel

How to calculate percentage price changes correctly with natural logs for stock prices

Calculating Unexpected Losses (UL) & Economic Capital Buffer (ECAP) under Basel with Excel example

Stachanov ARGOS notation ou scoring de crédit ; un aperçu des approches de notation en microfinance

Value at Risk or VaR, a tool to master market risk, explained in clear terms with Excel model.

Chaînes de Markov et matrice de migration des notations de crédit. Un exemple Excel.

Concentration risk & diversification for credit portfolio: Herfindahl-Hirschman Index HHI & Basel

Calculating Expected Losses (EL) & loan loss provisioning under Basel with Excel example

Credit scoring in microfinance and banking: 4) The Altman Z score

Credit Scoring Models and approaches: A clear explanation

Rapport risque-rendement : optimisation des portefeuilles de prêts avec le complément Excel Solveur

Risk-Return trade-off: Optimising loan portfolios with Excel Solver Add-in

Les Actifs Pondérés en fonction de Risque (APR) ou Risk Weighted Assets (RWA) en Excel selon Bâle

La distribution Beta-Pert: une alternative pour modéliser la distribution triangulaire dans Excel

Credit Scoring Models : example and explanation of an expert score card model in Excel

How to convert monthly interest rates to annual or yearly rates and back

Stachanov Argos Credit Scoring CESAG / Notation et scoring des crédits dans une manière automatisée

Credit scoring in microfinance and banking: 1: Expert scoring

Calcul des pertes attendues (EL) et du provisionnement pour pertes sur prêts sous Bâle

Frequency of events in risk modelling: the inverse binomial as an alternative for Poisson in Excel